Data for fuel and electricity consumption can be accessed via the system scheme by clicking on / adding / deleting the corresponding icon.
data entry for electricity
For electricity consumption the electricity mix (environmental parameters) and the tariff can be specified.
The electricity mix can be defined as
In this case the electricity mix can be selected from the data base
In this case the corresponding parameters can be defined and loaded from a data file with hourly data (8760 rows) in csv-format (see the section on monitoring data )
The data file should contain the following columns:
TIME TariffC TariffCHP PEConv CO2Conv NoNukesConv 1 0,10165 0,07115 3,134 0,522 5,224 2 (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) 8760 (...) (...) (...) (...) (...)