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6.2.1. Overview

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6.2.2. System SchemeΒΆ

The main components forming a heat and cooling supply system are:

  • processes: final uses of heat or cooling
  • equipment: utilities for conversion from final energy to useful heat / cooling, e.g. boilers, chillers, etc.
  • pipe/duct: distribution of heat or cooling (e.g. steam piping, hot or cold water piping, air ducts, etc.)
  • heat exchangers
  • other equipment generating waste heat
  • fuels and electricity

Components can be added to the system by right-clicking on the area of the system scheme.

Deleting of a component can be done by right-clicking on the component symbol.

Connections between components (e.g. from a boiler to the corresponding piping, etc.) can be done by first clicking on the output of the source component and then clicking on the input of the sink component.
