There is a default APPDATA folder where EINSTEIN application data are located on your computer, such as
The location and name of the APPDATA folder depends on the operating system:
On MS Windows the application data are kept in the %appdata% folder in a subfolder called einstein. To access this symbolic folder that is in different places depending on the version of MS Windows you are using you can choose “execute” from the start menu and type %appdata% as the command to execute and hit enter. Then a explorer window should open and there should be a folder called einstein containing your application data.
On Linux/Unix the application data are kept in the ~/.einstein folder.
There are up to four log files of EINSTEIN: einsteinMSG.txt, einsteinLOG.txt, einsteininstall.log and einsteinTRACK.txt.
The log files are kept in the APPDATA folder (see above)
Starting with EINSTEIN 2.2 the log-file einsteinTrack.txt is kept in a subfolder of einstein called einsteinN.N or einsteinN.Nplus depeding on the version number N.N.
In case you face any problems with the download and installation of EINSTEIN follow the steps given below
Attach the file einsteininstall.log and any error messages (e.g. screen shots) to your bug report.
Yes, EINSTEIN supports XML files from any older version of EINSTEIN.
Yes, all data that is necessary for the project is part of the XML file as which it is exported. But you may not have an older version on EINSTEIN than the one that produced the export.
Up to EINSTEIN 2.0 the configuration file einstein.ini was kept within the EINSTEIN installation folder [MyEINSTEIN] in the subfolder src/einstein/GUI.
From EINSTEIN 2.1 on the configuration file is kept in the the APPDATA folder.
A part of the configuration is also kept within the einstein database together with all the project data.
This is usually the case when a already existing MySQL server is used. If that is the case please look here. If not check that the default username and password for Einstein are set:
- user: root
- password:
You can reset the password of the root user of an installed MySQL server on MS Windows as follows:
- From the Start menu, select Control Panel, then Administrative Tools, then Services. Find the MySQL service in the list, right-click it, and choose the Properties option. The Path to executable field contains the –defaults-file setting, copy it. It should look similar to "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysql.exe" --defaults-file="C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\my.ini"
- create a file C:\mysql-init.txt with the content SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('MyNewPassword');
- open a command line by choosing “execute” from the start menu and then execute cmd
- paste the MySQL startup command from the first step to the command line and add the parameter `` –init-file= C:mysql-init.txt`` the command should now look similar to "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysql.exe" --defaults-file="C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\my.ini" --init-file= C:\mysql-init.txt
- execute the MySQL startup command by pressing enter
- the command line window should stay open, but not show a new prompt
- you can now close the command line window, the password should be set to the one you wrote into C:\mysql-init.txt
If this doesn’t work out, please consult the documentation that belongs to the already installed server.
Where do you get help ? Where to report bugs ?
For getting help with EINSTEIN you can also subscribe and send a mail to the mailing list of EINSTEIN users:
For any reporting of possible bugs and problems enter a bug report at or send a mail to the EINSTEIN team at
Please include the files einsteinMSG.txt, einsteinLOG.txt and einsteinTRACK.txt, and a short description of a) which steps you carried out BEFORE the problem arose b) when did the problem occur c) what was the problem