6.8.4. Heat Pumps Configuration of design assistant
- Maintain (or not) current equipment
- Preselection of allowed equipment types
- Minimum yearly operating hours
Equivalent full load operating hours
- Minimum temperature lift
(temperature difference between low temperature heat source and heat supply to demand)
- Maximum condensation temperature (upper temperature limit for heat supply)
- Minimum evaporation temperature (lower temperature limit for heat source)
- (Thermally driven heat pumps only): Required driving temperature (entry to the generator for absorption heat pumps) Summary of simulation results
- “Pinch” temperature
Defined as the middle between the minimum temperature of heat demand and the maximum temperature of available (waste) heat
- Temperature lift
Difference between minimum temperature of heat demand and maximum temperature of availableheat source.
A negative temperature lift indicates that there is an overlap between heat demand and available (waste) heat.